“Where Hybrid Integration Meets Genuine Hyper-functionality”
HIGH Lab은 차세대 디스플레이, 메모리, 보안 기술을 융합하여, 더 스마트하고 지속 가능한 미래를 설계합니다.

1. Display Applications
✅ Next-Generation Display & Sensor Technologies
OLEDoS (OLED on Silicon) and LTPO display technology research
1D/2D/3D TFTs & Photodetectors
Development of display sensors based on low-dimensional semiconductors (1D, 2D), Metal Halides, and Perovskites
Performance enhancement of TFTs using Silicon membranes and III-V semiconductors
✅ Device Reliability & Modeling
TFT performance improvement and 1/f noise analysis for reliability assessment
SPICE model development & TFT modeling for high-performance display circuit design
✅ Light-to-Frequency (LTF) Conversion for In-Situ Monitoring
Diagnostic techniques for real-time issue detection and resolution in display panels
Development of in-situ panel monitoring systems

2. Next-Generation Memory & 3D Integration
✅ Next-Generation Non-Volatile Memory Research
RRAM (Resistive RAM) and 2T-0C structures
HZO-based ferroelectric memory
✅ Photo-Responsive Memory & Advanced Devices
Photo-Detector & MOSFET-based optoelectronic memory
Multi-stacking memory architectures
✅ TSV/GSV-Based 3D Integration Technologies
Implementation of high-density stacked devices using TSV and GSV
Crossbar array architectures for neuromorphic computing

3. Cyber-Security & Sustainable Electronics
✅ Cyber-Security & PUF-Based Authentication
Physical Unclonable Function (PUF)-based security technology development
Secure transient electronics applications
✅ Sustainable Energy & Eco-Friendly Devices
Micro-supercapacitor & environmentally friendly battery research
Integration of display and memory devices for sustainable electronics
✅ Brain Hacking Prevention & Polar Region Applications
Development of implantable LC oscillator-based security technologies
Eliminating brain hacking threats through novel electronic security techniques
MULTIMODAL sensor-based applications in polar regions for Snow accumulation monitoring systems in extreme environments